The Center is committed to a policy of non-discrimination in employment and in the provision of all services.
The mission of IHRO is to enhance and sustain the health and well-being of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and HIV communities by providing activities, programs and services that create community.Empower community members; provide essential resources; advocate for civil and human rights; and embrace, promote and support our cultural diversity. read more
I am delighted to introduce International Human Rights Organization (IHRO) to spread awareness & assistance to protect Human Rights, Liberties, Social Justice for all Human beings at National & International Level. IHRO has translated its avowed objectives at the grassroots level through Campaigns, Awareness Camps, conferences, seminars, conventions, cultural programmes etc..
Speaking on Human rights is just like filling the ocean in a pot.The canvas of Human rights is so wide and multidimensional that it touches all the core values of the civilization. In fact it marks a massive milestone in advancement of humaneteranean civilization . As we all know that 10 th december,the day on which United Nations General Assembly adopted,in 1948,the universal Declaration of Human Rights. International Human rights ,a premier organisation working tirelessly to promote the kinship of all human beings and protecting the inalleinable human rights of all those who are meek and their voices/sufferings are hardly taken care of. Few heartbreaking realities will attract your anxieties viz-
Human rights are the basic rights of each individual in any part of the globe irrespective of cast, creed, sex, age, colour, status. It encompasses all social economic political, cultural anti-elements based on law of nature with the aim of ensuring justice, freedom and equality viz. individual and collective existence.
Agencies which implement human rights include United Nations (Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights), National Human Rights Commission in different countries, Amnesty International, International Human Rights Movement and a number of NGO's in different parts of the world Agencies which implement human rights include United NationsAgencies which implement human rights include United Nations. read more